Tuesday 13 July 2010

who is my muse?

I'd been hesitating to decide a muse for Indigo project.

Who is my muse?
I've been saying and believed that God, only LORD inspires me and helps me.
Then is it ok to say that Jesus is my muse for this project? ? ?

Um...  maybe not very good idea...
for several reasons...
   could be offensive to non-believers
   could be more difficult to research about... ?

Then, who is?
  my brother? not really... ^ ^

 any actor or actress??   no... no... too boring...

 a fancy designer like Tom Ford?   I confess I like his designs but he does not inspire me...

Ah, then a writer?      Um... Alain de Botton??
Seems good!  I quite often nod with agreement when reading his books.
I enjoy his new perspectives on art, architecture, travel and so on.

Good! then my visual muse is Alain de Botton and the real muse is my LORD !